Motif Medical recently launched our newest breast pump, the Motif Luna. Based on design, suction power, and early feedback, we wanted to prove that our breast pump performed better than the two leading breast pump brands currently in the market.

We worked with C+R Research to conduct a comparison test with moms who currently use one of the leading competitive brands and Luna.

We asked 20 moms nationwide to try out the Motif Luna. All of them had a baby under 12 months and were committed to nursing and pumping. Mom used her current pump for 3+ sessions and then they used the Luna for 3+ sessions. This allowed moms to compare the Luna’s output to the quantity of milk produced by their current pump.

Got more milk in less time with the Luna.

Preferred the Luna over their current pump.

Pre-Luna Pumping

Overall Satisfaction

Moms were 50/50 split between very satisfied and indifferent/unsatisfied with their current pump.



Moms feel challenged and frustrated when: they don’t feel they are pumping enough, they don’t have enough time, and it’s uncomfortable. Moms feel satisfied when: they are able to pump a good amount and they are relaxed.


Nearly half of moms spent a typical amount of time pumping and felt “very satisfied” with their pump. 2-9 oz was typical. Those with -2 oz were frustrated.


After several pumping sessions with the Luna, most moms determined the Luna performs better than their current pump.







In Her Own Words




“I felt cool and relaxed during this pumping session. I already feel like a pro using this pump.” – Courtney T.


“Pumping went smoothly today and I got towards the higher end of the milk range of what I typically get when I pump.” – Laura B.


“This breast pump is absolutely superior to the other ones. I just can’t believe that I didn’t hear about this one from other mothers!” – Rosalind R.

“I think it was more efficient. I never pumped over 10 minutes which was nice. I pump over my lunch break so it’s nice to get done quick so I can enjoy some of my lunch break.” – Rachel T.


“My average pumping time with my current pump was always 30 minutes minimum. However, my average time using the Luna was 15 minutes.” – Courtney T.


“I pump for 20 minutes. It was actually a shorter time than usual, which is great.” – Erika X.

“My old pump made me feel terrible as a mom because of the daily struggle I faced pumping for a long period of time and not being able to pump enough milk. It’s all starting to change now.” – Natalie S.


“I felt today’s amount of time was shorter. It took me 20 minutes to produce 8 ounces. It was a great feeling because I felt that I could get ready sooner and go to work.” – Paula A.


“I got the most milk I have ever gotten in a pumping session, 5 ounces! I couldn’t believe it. I felt so excited. That’s enough that I can even save some by freezing it and going out of the house without worrying.” – Samantha R.

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